I have to admit that I am having Cooper withdrawals. Guy, on the other hand, is totally relieved to be the ONLY center of attention again. Here's the thing, while Guy is totally not amused when Cooper falls asleep on him:
I cannot get enough of it. That little monster snores like a machine gun. Dead serious. It sounds like a machine gun. Oh lawd, is it loud!!! One night, whilst I was covering my ears with a heavy quilt to subdue the blast from the snores, Cooper decided to make himself a nest on my legs... he can totally keep a snore going while awake and moving about. That dog can snore the living daylights out of anything. And it FEELS like heaven. It must be like being in the womb, but way better. I have never slept as well as I did with his snores rumbling through his great belly and expansive jaw along my limbs. Spas could charge a fortune for a Coop extravaganza. I spent the next 5 nights shoving my feet and legs under him and sleeping like a... well, prolly like a bulldog.
While I'm on a roll regaling you with tales of bulldog snores, let me add this: in an attempt to compete with his cousin, Guy was snoring as loud as his Old English snout would allow, but he just could not match the grandeur of that singularly impressive snore belonging to his English counterpart. But the attempt was totally darling if you have a bulldog obsession or whatever.
At any rate, I have been bemoaning this blog post all day. I mean, what is the point of having a weekly wrap-up if it's not written every week? And the interwebs are always touting consistency when it comes to blog success. So, I made a rule for myself that I would write- at the very LEAST- a post every Sunday evening, knowing full well that I hate rules. I HATE rules. And now I am constantly trying to rebel against my OWN rule. And this, dearest reader, is why I'm currently accepting applications for a freelance lobotomist. Send 'em over!
I intend to write a more inspired post soon! For now, I'll put you out of your misery and wrap this schnizzle up.
THIS WEEK FOR DINNER (is shameful!)
Monday: No one knows. Neither Andy, nor I can remember for the life of us what we ate. If the dog knows, he's staying mum.
Tuesday: This was when my ultimate girl from high school magically re-entered my life, so I went home and hauled ass to go see her and her sweet family before they took off the following morning. I ate Taco Bell. And it was delicious *liesprostrateonthtegroundinshame* I just totally almost left that saying *liesPROSTATE... awesomesauce.
Wednesday: Stove top casserole with frozen peas. I do not mean I made this on my stove top. I am talking about the stuffing. AND I got the recipe from Kraft foods. Oh lawd in heaven, save me from my love of gross comfort foods. I threw the frozen peas in to add some nutritional value. No lies, I love this casserole.
Thursday: Roasted red pepper and goat cheese alfredo on linguine. I roasted the peppers myself, y'all. I also roasted artichokes with garlic, lemon and olive oil.
Friday: my oldest brother was in town, so we met him and my dad at The Dodo for some reliably tasty and low-key noshing.
Saturday: I ordered Chinese and this happened:
I am all sorts of allergic to seafood, including fish. There must have been some fish sauce in the noodles I ordered, which means sexiness and nausea ensued. Thank god there was no shellfish involved! I am fortunate that my shellfish allergy does not lead to anaphylactic shock, but just SEVERE food poisoning. Did I not tell you I'm allergic to EVERYTHING?!
Sunday: we went to my parents' and I must be REALLY low on iron because I ate THREE steaks. It's a good thing I already have myself signed up for a rigorous week of Xtend Barre!
Speaking of which, my husband is coming to a couples' class on Tuesday that they are doing for Valentine's. This should certainly provide blog fodder.
Speaking of which, Be My Valentine, dear reader... 'cause you know I love you and whatever.
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